Dr. Chernoff discusses Neck and Décolleté Lines

I’m Doctor Greg Chernoff and I’m demonstrating today a very exciting technique that we offer in the office for a very common problem affecting women. We’re talking today with the horizontal necklace lines and the vertical cleavage lines. Many women have beautiful jewelry but these lines really do take away from the appearance of jewelry and that would really show an agent look. So here’s a nice example of the horizontal lines of the talking about and we use one of our fillers in this area to affect a beautiful change. So this is a very superficial injection into these lines. And again, patients have been so happy with this result and it’s become a very very popular treatment that we do for patients. So, you see in essence we’re rehydrating these areas that have lost some of their collagen support and when you see the decrease in elasticity, so the lines are elevated for the period [inaudible]. The lines are elevated for a short period of time and then as the material blends in, the lines virtually disappear over time. So this has been a very popular treatment affecting millions of women as they age. And this isn’t just a beautiful way to soften the appearance of the lines, you can see, we see the elevation right now of the fluid in, but we see a beautiful softening of those lines. So if you’re interested in having the more youthful looking neck, you should consider softening the appearance of your horizontal necklace lines and your vertical cleavage lines.